Xerivision AN-004 Max1025 transducer preparation for F3B/F3J launch analysisAbstract:
F3B or F3J launch tension logging may be a demanding application for the Max1025 tension transducer.
Even if the transducer itself is rugged and well capable of withstanding the forces experienced
during launch, some extra precautions can be taken to ensure that linkages and connections
are protected and stay safe even when something goes wrong.

The result is great in terms of glider altitude improvement.
To complete this achievement, he systematically uses video and data logged on board during lauch phase. He highlights the importance of the pulling force measurement and uses for that purpose our Max1025 traction transducer as described in the Xerivision AN-002 - Zoom anatomy investigation.
Download here the complete Francesco's article in Italian "Dalla spanna al datalogger".
The concepts of design and use behind the Max 1401 transducer
is well
known that the aerodynamic efficiency of a model is degraded by its yaw
behaviour during the turning manoeuvres. This degradation grows with
the high
wings aspect ratio values of performance and competition gliders. The
tries to counter balance this effect with 3 axis piloting, having only,
as a
feed back of his efforts, the global result of the model eventually
climbing or
not in the thermal. The Mle
1401 yaw transducer continuously measures the angle
of attack of the fuselage of the model and, connected to a Xerivision
system, transmits to the ground on a HUD and/or on board records the
measured values for future data processing. The benefit is twofold:
first, with
the Lynx HUD the pilot has in real time the yaw angle of his model in
during the spiral and can improve his judgment and his piloting skill
in sight his model using this short feed-back loop. Second, the off
line study
of the records give precious and appropriate information on the dynamic
behaviour of the model and leads to a design improvement and/or an
of the various theories in this domain which are numerous because the
measurements are scarce. Read
Francesco Meschia from Asti has used successfully our Mle 1025 traction transducer for investigation of the wire tension during the zoom phase of an F3J Pike Perfekt flight. About 20 measurement flights have been achieved to date allowing Francesco
to begin to build up a good test data base for F3J. With few support and a specific adjustment of the transducer's offset from
our side and thank to his skills in electronics, he was able to interface our transducer to his Unilog data logger.Here are 2 sample plots. He plans to publish soon an exciting article in RCSD. Here is Francesco's website:

Xerus 1.26 software release: This release introduces a new functionnality of 5Hz GPS data on board calculation and transmission to the ground on the HUD. The pilot can continuously monitor the distance of his airplane. He can switch at any time the display to altitude or speed. This allow a complete control of the flight and the flight manouvers are no more approximative: you exactly lower the flaps of your jet for landing at the right place. If the embedded system is a Xerus expert, which has a recording capacity, he can record the flight path and plot it in Flight Test Studio 1.2 (FTS) the flight data analysis software.
FTS is integrated with Google Earth and produces files that you can open directly in GE.

Application notes
AN-0001 - The Lynx HUD conceptAN-0002 - F3B zoom anatomy investigation
AN-0003 Yaw behaviour investigation with Max 1400 transducers
Flight test reports
F3B High G measurement 27.2 G achieved during the zoomAirspeed during F3B zoom : 71 m/s(255 km/h) peak airspeed achieved during the zoom
Aerodynamic, measurement, technical links
Access to the complete set of Matthieu Scherrer publications on his website
And Matthieu Scherrer's blog here
See the XFLR5 web site from André Deperrois.
Download this outstanding virtual windtunnel et learn how to play with it.
Interresting commecial links
See also the

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