Data acquisition system - Xérus
line of high accuracy of on board data measurement and management
systems, not just data logers. Designed with the constant aim of
measurement accuracy, these systems fits in the smallest
are declined in two models:
Fully modular and programmable, records and transmits any parameters up to 16 channels of analog and digital data
Available in January - Mini Xerus model 5
What is a Xerus ? learn everything on this small lovely animal with Wikipedia
Head up display - Lynx (pattented head up display)
Confortably displays in your field of view the informations transmitted by Xérus system.
Currently displayed data can be switched from your emitter.
With a positive feed back loop, Improve rapidly your pilot's skills
PC data reduction Software - Flight test Studio

Conveniently displays up to 20 channels a at time with full control of:
The raw recorded data (eG: absolute pressure)
Derived data (eg.: altutude)
or calculated data (eg: CL)
Includes powerful analysis tools as FFT and histogramming.
Allows you to set up your flight database.
Transducers - Max transducer program
We offer a broad line of transducers derived from the aeronautic industry to measure the parameters even the less conventionnal ones. Among them:
Mle 1025 Force transducer to measure winch traction in flight
Mle 1010 Air speed pitot sensor
Mle 1902 magnetic Rpm transducer
Mle 1802 power plant current transducer
Mle 2405 RC system current transducer
Mle 2210 GPS receiver
Mle 1650 High G transducer
Top Articles:
Lynx : a
new concept in RC modelling
Improve your pilot skills. Interact in real time more precisely
Have some questions about our products, see our FAQ.
Related Readings:
the F3B zoom with measurements
much g is your zoom. A measurement set up as been completed by Patrick
Médard with a 1650 High G transducer. Here are the results.
F3B winch up
and wire characteristics a key factor in an F3B competition.
A prerequisite to further improvement must be based on transient data
colleted during this phase. Measurement were made by Patrick Médard
with a 1025 Force tranducer.
See here what is the maximum force on the hook when the glider is